Etymology of righteousness

A little etymology from our Men's bible study this morning.
Based on the following meanings (from, is it possible to be right, upright, or righteous, without having an objective external reference - something to be right with respect to? In a physical sense, upright only makes sense with respect to gravity (think aikido and judo). You can't be upright floating in space. In a moral, spiritual sense, righteousness only makes sense with respect to Christ (see Hebrews 1, especially v8 and following.) You cannot be righteous in the absense of Christ.

right (adj.)
"morally correct," O.E. riht "just, good, fair, proper, fitting, straight," from P.Gmc. *rekhtaz (cf. O.H.G. reht, Ger. recht, O.N. rettr, Goth. raihts), from PIE base *reg- "move in a straight line," also "to rule, to lead straight, to put right" (see regal; cf. Gk. orektos "stretched out, upright;" L. rectus "straight, right;" O.Pers. rasta- "straight, right," aršta- "rectitude;" O.Ir. recht "law;" Welsh rhaith, Breton reiz "just, righteous, wise"). Cf. slang straight "honest, morally upright," and L. rectus "right," lit. "straight," Lith. teisus "right, true," lit. "straight." Gk. dikaios "just" (in the moral and legal sense) is from dike "custom." The noun sense of "just claim" was in O.E. and P.Gmc. As an emphatic, meaning "you are right," it is recorded from 1588; use as a question meaning "am I not right?" is from 1961. The phrase to rights "at once, straightway" is 1663, from sense "in a proper manner" (M.E.). The sense in right whale is "justly entitled to the name." Phrase right off the bat is 1914, earlier hot from the bat (1888), probably a baseball metaphor; right stuff "best human ingredients" is from 1848, popularized by Tom Wolfe's 1979 book about the first astronauts. Right on! as an exclamation of approval first recorded 1925 in black slang, popularized mid-1960s by Black Panther movement. Right of way is attested from 1768.
early 16c. alteration of rightwise, from O.E. rihtwis, from riht (see right) + wis "wise, way, manner." Suffix altered by influence of courteous, etc. Meaning "genuine, excellent" is c.1900 in jazz slang.
Patrick Parker, is a Christian, husband, father, judo and aikido teacher, Program Director for a Cardiac Rehab, and a Ph.D. Contact: or phone 601.248.7282
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Ending 1st Peter

Yesterday we finished 1st Peter and next week we'll be starting into Hebrews chapter 1. It's not entirely clear the exact order these 2-3 books were written, so I figure to do Hebrews next so that our Bible study will synch up with the Missions Conference theme (Heb 12:28-29):

Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our "God is a consuming fire."
Where we found James to be a very pragmatic book about Christian faith, we found 1Peter to be about the hope that is associated with that faith (1Pet1:3, 1:8, 1:13, 1:21, etc...). But 1Peter also deals with pragmatic, how-to-live issues. See 1Pet1:13f, 2:11f, 3:1-7, 3:15, 4:1ff, etc...). 1Peter concludes with an exhortation to the elders in particular regarding their performance of their duties (1Pet5:2-3) and regarding their faith and hope (1Pet 5:1,4).

I found it very interesting that these two books, James and 1Peter, being two of the first NT texts to be written, both quote (1Pet5:5, Jas 4:6) the same pasage of the OT as justification for their exhortations - Proverbs 3:34:

I also thought it interesting that they both tell Christians, "submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you." (Jas 4:7) and "humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God... Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour." (1Pet 5:6f)
Surely He scorns the scornful, But gives grace to the humble.

Faith... Pragma... Hope... Submission... Resistance...

Makes you want to go back and re-read James AND 1Peter again!!!

I'll look forward to seeing y'all this Sunday at Church, and again next Tuesday. Since were'starting a new book (Hebrews) this would be a prime time to invite some of your buddies to join us.
Patrick Parker, is a Christian, husband, father, judo and aikido teacher, Program Director for a Cardiac Rehab, and a Ph.D. Contact: or phone 601.248.7282
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