What am I doing here?

For several years I have had three blogs - Mokuren Dojo (my martial arts blog), Self-Education of Pat (my book blog), and Presbyterian in McComb (my religion blog). The first one has been hugely successful, but my book blog and my religion blog have had mediocre reception in the blogosphere. Much of that is my fault for sporadic posting on both of those blogs.
I started all three because I wanted to keep my martial arts blog tightly-focussed and on-topic, but also because I didn't want to subject the martial arts world to my religious beliefs. I have long felt uncomfortable with that division of my mind and my self. Splitting my effort and my soul across three blogs resulted in too little material for consistent posting, and I have spent long periods of time demotivated about posting on those two blogs.
So, I am combining my Self-Education blog and my religion blog and I am broadening and tweaking the focus a bit. This will be a blog on my reading and self-education,as well as our family's classical model homeschooling of our children. Religion and theology, as the mother of all of academia, is a fitting part of this blog niche - but you will also see posts and reviews on a broader selection of things that I'm reading.
I will be leaving the Presbyterian in McComb blog active as a resource page and for occasional tightly-focussed posts that may not fit here, but (nearly) all of its' older content will be moved here. Please, if you are subscribed to Presby in McComb, direct your feed reader here. to stay up to date.
Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? ... (Isaiah 43:18-19; ESV)

Patrick Parker, is a Christian, husband, father, judo and aikido teacher, Program Director for a Cardiac Rehab, and a Ph.D. Contact: or phone 601.248.7282
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