Young heroes of the faith

Today a co-worker of mine was looking for instances in the bible of children or younger or smaller people doing great things. Here's what we came up with...
  • Joseph, after being sold into slavery by his older brothers, works his way into the King's confidence, eventually saving his family from starvation and assuring his people many good years in Egypt. (Gen 37-50)
  • David was too small to fight in the war and ended up being a water boy, but was the only one brave enough to fight and kill Goliath. Despite many great faults, David was a man after God's own heart. (1 Sam 17)
  • Timothy was a young minister but was appointed to be the teaching elder within the church at Ephesus. Paul instructed Timothy to let no man despise you because of your youth (1Tm4:12)
  • Elihu waited patiently for his elders to correct Job, only speaking when they failed so miserably with their advice. though younger, he set all of the elders straight. (Job 32)
  • Abel's sacrifice was pleasing to God, whereas his older brother's sacrifice was not. (Gen 4)
  • Samuel was the young apprentice of Eli when God called him directly. in an age during which prophecy was rare, God chose this youngster to speak to. (1 Sam 3)
  • John leapt within his mother's womb when she met Mary bearing Jesus. The youngest character in the bible recognized the Messiah - the central character about whom the whole Bible revolves. (Luk 1:41-42)
  • Pharoah's daughter saves Moses from the river and her father's death sentence. (Exodus 2)
  • Esther, a beautiful young woman saved her people from the scheming Haman. (Esther 2-)
  • Stephen, one of the first deacons, refers to his listeners as brothers and fathers, implying that he was lecturing to his elders things that they should have known and understood already.
  • Gideon was the least (youngest?) man of his family, which was the weakest family of his tribe. But God used him and his ragtag band of 300 to defeat the Philistines and deliver the Israelites. (Judges 6;15f)

How about y'all? Can you think of more or better examples?


Andy said...

Josiah(2nd Kings 22&23) was only 8 years old when he was king. Not much of his exploits before 18 i'm afraid, but i'm sure kids would get a kick out of kid royalty.