Aikido and Christianity

Photo courtesy of Tobstone
I teach the Japanese self-defense martial art of aikido, and of all the martial arts that I've studied I personally feel that aikido is the one most in tune with Christianity.
I wouldn't try to stretch scripture so far as to say that Jesus was advocating the practice of aikido, but the principles of aikido do appear to manifest themselves in ways that mirror Scripture. Take as example the following from The Sermon on the Mount:
"You have heard that it was said, 'An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.' But I say to you, Do not resist the one who is evil. But if anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. And if anyone would sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well. And if anyone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles. Give to the one who begs from you, and do not refuse the one who would borrow from you. (Matthew 5:38-42)
What aikido principles are evident here?
  • Do not resist (because you validate and stabilize and strenghten the attacker when you do)...
  • Turn the other cheek (because the force of the blow will glance off)...
  • Turn the other cheek (inviting another attack because you know the act of attacking will destroy him)...
  • Turn the other cheek (because you know that within the coming attack lies the potential for reconciliation)...
  • Go with him the extra mile (extending him into unbalance)...
  • Give (energy) to the one that begs for it...
Again, I'm not trying to equate aikido to scripture - that would be spurious and sacreligious. I am definitely not saying that aikido is a religion (though it has it's religion-like aspects). I've got my religion and aikido is not it. Thirdly, I am not advocating a syncretic Christian aikido. But consider the following from CS Lewis' Mere Christianity...
I have been asked to tell you what Christians believe, and I am going to begin by telling you one thing that Christians do not need to believe. If you are a Christian you do not have to believe that all the other religions are simply wrong all through. If you are an atheist you do have to believe that the main point in all the religions of the whole world is simply one huge mistake. If you are a Christian, you are free to think that all these religions, even the queerest ones, contain at least some hint of the truth. (Mere Christianity, II, 1)
To the degree to which aikido mirrors or hints at scriptural truth, aikido is validated and en-nobled.


Andy said...

I think you've mentioned Mere Christianity once or twice before. I've never heard of it but it sounds good. I might have to try to find room for it on my reading list.

Anonymous said...

Very well analogized Whoever San.