Blog your Blessings Sunday

There's this meme thing going around on the blogosphere called Blog Your Blessings Sunday. I couldn't find the origin post, so, I figured I'd pick up the meme and make up my own rules as I go along. Basically, you Blog your Blessings each Sunday. Easy enough.

God has blessed me in every way, but today I want to write about my third son, Quin. Quin is a boy's boy. He loves to run and fight and loves to dismantle and destroy things. he has earned numerous nicknames, including Quin the Destroyer, Quintilla the Hun, Quinzilla, and Quinsidious. I've written posts on my other blog about him here and here is some video. But, contrary to that destructive nature, Quin is the best snuggler. It is as if, when he chooses to be sweet, he is doubly sweet because it seems so out of his nature. Today in church he snuggled up in my lap and began rubbing my furry cheek with his little smooth one. It was completely endearing. You know, that must be how it is when we, as rebellious, depraved sinners choose to worship God, our Father and Creator.
Thank You, Lord God, for blessing me with Quin. Please use him to teach me how to worship You better.