From the ungodly walk to the scornful seat

One of the really neat things about Psalms 1 is the progression of elements in verse 1:
Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.
walk - stand - sit
ungodly - sinners - scornful
Apparently, the ungodly (i.e. amoral people , sins of omission, giving bad counsel but not actively doing bad) are still able to make some movement in life, but as they become true sinners (immoral, sins of commission) they come to a standstill. By the time their hearts are twisted in scorn for God's ways, they make no progress or movement, and thus have no potential for good work (work=movement). They just sit around doing nobody any good.
So, this verse is telling us that as sinfulness, allowed to grow rampant is inversely proportional to potential for doing good work.