Why didn't i think to say it like that?

Our teen sunday school class is currently working on the idea that prayer and scripture reading are part of the sanctification process, in which God makes you ready to serve his purpose for you. We talked about how prayer and scripture reading and scripture memorization mold your mind along lines that God wants. Today I came across perhaps the perfect verse to support that...

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. (Romans 12:2, NKJV)

Certainy one of the more often-quoted verses in the New testament - especially with it being R.C. Sproul's slogan for Ligonier Ministries. Why didn't I think to say it like that, or at least to cite that verse? I guess because I'm not Paul!

But it is exactly what I was talking about. reading scripture and praying and memory work renews your mind and transforms your whole self so that you can figure ut what God wants you to do (...prove what is good and acceptable and perfect...) and get on the track that God wants you on!