So I said that I would review Lois Lowry next. The obvious first choice to read is the Newberry Award winning The Giver. This book is about a society that has given up some of its humanity in order to have a utopia without poverty, crime, sickness, etc... In this setting, the protagonist, Jonas, is the apprentice to the Giver, an old man whose job it is to remember all the terrible things that they don't have to live with, like the pain of sunburn. But other memories that the Giver holds so the people don't have to experience are things like laying in the sun or riding a sled in the snow. Of course, Jonas realizes that this system is askew and the plot develops from there.
The Giver has been compared to Brave New World
as well as John Christopher's Tripods
series. I would highly recommend it if you enjoy dystopian sci-fi with a mystical feel.
The Giver has been compared to Brave New World
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